Monday, October 25, 2010

The Rule of Thirds, Shape and Form, and Line

Rule of Thirds - In order to take more efective images and better use the space within the camera frame, photographers follow the rule of thirds. The photographer visualizes the frame cut into thirds, both vertically and horizonally.  The point at which the imaginary lines intersect is an ideal place for the subject.
This photo demonstrates the rule of thirds. The screen is split into 3 horizontally and vertically, and the subject is off centre
Shape and Form - Shape is a two dimensional representation in the photograph. It has height and width but no depth. Shape can also be implied. Usually no details are present, all we see is the shape.

This photo demonstrates shape and form. There are no details, and the shot focuses on the shape of the surroundings

This photo demonstrates line very well. The railway track leads your eve through the picture effectively.
 Line - The use of line on a photograph can be very powerful. A vertical or horizontal line suggests a sense of symmetry. It can cut the frame in two. If placed off centre horizontally, it can suggest peace or rest. A slanting line is dynamic. It conveys motion within the frame.
This is a texture photo. The veins in the leaf are well defined and it makes the viewer think of what it would feel like to touch the leaf.

Texture - Texture also creates illusion. It triggers an emotional response based on our experiences. We know what sandpaper feels like. Texture can support a subject or be the subject itself.

Friday, October 22, 2010

5x7 Black and White Enlargements Fail.. and then Success! :)

Abigail and I were partners for the black and white enlargement assignment and I have to say, it was a success. At first, our test strip was way too dark, but we stopped it down until it was in focus and sharp. The second test strip went better. Our final enlargement turned out really well. Now we're off to the dark room to make our second one! Until next week ...

Monday, October 18, 2010

Photograms and Contact Sheets

This week (well actually last week. This post didn't get published until today) we did photograms and contact sheets in the dark room. The photograms were really cool. You got to put objects onto a piece of photo paper, and then expose it for 5 seconds. After that you put it in the developer for 1 min, stop bath for 30 sec, and fixer for 30 sec. Finally you wash it for 2 minutes, then dry. Thats all :)

Friday, October 8, 2010

Good Pictures, and Great Food. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

This week in photography we did a lot. There was our annual Korah garbage clean up, which resulted in some really awesome pictures. We had a depth of field quiz today, and we've been working with the manual camera film a lot. Our group of 4 consists of Abigail, Ashlie, Cayley and me. Our films turned out nicely, ven though we developed someone elses film before our own! Its also the long weekend. Happy Thanksgiving! :)

Thursday, October 7, 2010